
A manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of language.

Princeton WordNet

For good measure - for the balance (I always put a little extra salt in the soup for good measure)
Word-of-mouth - з вуст в уста
Off-the-cuff - зходу, спонтанно
Implement it by hand
It's high time to learn ... - давно пора вивчити ...
To get rid of something - позбуватися чогось
The more the better - чим більше тим краще
It catches my eye - впадає в очі
To step into his shoes - постивити себе на його місце
Put up with - миритися
Rooted out - викорінений
My rule of thumb - моє правило
I run the risk of getting lost
Put up with - tolerate
On the one hand .... on the other hand ...
Lose my temper - втратити самовладання
Driving me up the wall - зводить мене з розуму
To cut down on - щоб скоротити
To put up with something (to tolerate) - миритися з чимось
On the spur of the moment - експромтом, у цей момент
To catch on - become popular
To take over - become dominant
Keeping up with - maintain the same level as
To slow down - become less rapid
To die out - disappear completely
To find out - to discover
To pick up on - first to notice
To buy into - to be influenced by
Living out of a suitcase - to stay very briefly in several places, never unpacking one's luggage
To stop off - to stay somewhere
To take off - взлітати
Once in a blue moon - very rare
Put up with something - to tolerate (миритися з чимось)
To give a lift (to give a ride) - підвезти
Fit as fiddle - здоровий як бик
Put on weight - (to gain weight) - набирати вагу
White collars - білі комірці
To set out - відправлятися у подорож
To stop off - зупинятися (ненадовго)
From rags to riches - з грязі в крязі
Slip off the road - з'їхати з дороги
To turn down - to reject, to decline in something
To lose temper - втратити самовладання
It will do for now - наразі досить
Hadn't a clue - поняття не мав
Highway robbery - грабіж на рівному місці
A pretty penny - дорого
I lived beyond my means - I spent far more money than I was earning
I paid an arm and leg for it - The price I paid was way too high
I got it at face value - I paid exactly the amount of money printed on the item
I have a nest agg - I have some money saved in case I need it in the future
I bet my bottom dollar on it - I really believed it would be ok so I risked all my money
I both it for a song - I was much cheaper than it should have been
We went Dutch - When I went out with her, both of us paid our own part of the bill
I offered a penny for his thoughts - I asked him what was on his mind
I cooked the books - When the money didn't add up properly, I dishonestly changed the figures
I was strapped for cache - I was almost penniless
I bought him off - I gave money to stop the threats
I broke even - I didn't make any profit (but I didn't lose either)
I cut my losses - I had already lost some money and decided not to waste any more
I'll probably have to grease her palm - I think a bribe may be necessary
I decided to foot the bill - I paid for everything
Do you fancy going to the cinema? - Do you want to go to the cinema?
The other day - інший день
On the whole - in general
By chance - incidentally
It cost a pretty penny - дорогий
To be aimed at - спрямовувати на
Off the cuff - експромтом
She is close to crying - She is about to cry
To feel blue (to feel a bit down) - сумувати
My boss rather a cold fish - Shows no sympathy or fear
She has a heart of gold - very kind, generous
He's such a pain in the neck - annoying, difficult
She's as hard as nails - distant, unfriendly
Sees the world or sees a situation "through rose-tinted glasses" - optimistic
With flying colors - very very well
Tickled pink - very very happy
Paint the town red - to have a good time
Jet lag - extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a person after a long flight across several time zones
I was close to tears - пройняло до сліз
To take/make a decision - прийняти рішення
To split up - come apart
To carry on - продовжувати
To get over - to overcome
To call off - скасовувати
So far - до тепер
At your fingertips - під рукою
On the spur of the moment - експромтом
Sweet tooth - ласун
To cope with - впоратися з чимось
Take for granted - вважати само собою зрозумілим
I can't stand - терпіти не можу ...
I can't bear - не можу винести ...
A lazy bones - ледар
Get away with (doing) something - сходити з рук
To tend to - бути схильним
Trick someone into (doing) something - to fool someone; to deceive someone; to cheat someone
To make do - обходитися
To see someone out - to accompany or escort someone out of something or some place
To have something to do with - бути пов'язаним з
I couldn't care less about that - зовсім не непокоїть
Don't let me down - не підведи!
We each breathed a sigh of relief when ... - зітхнути з полегшенням
To make room - звільнити місце
If we are to create something ... - якщо ми хочемо щось створити ...
To spill the beans - відкрити секрет, проговоритися
To go for - I think I will also go for a nice juice
To nail - done, done increadibly (to nail the forecast)
That's the whole point - у цьому вся справа
It makes things easier - полегшало
I haven't given it much thought - я про це ще не думав
You'll hear from me - я вам повідомлю
You bet! - you may be sure; certainly
Hear me out! - вислухайте мене
Let happen whatever would happen - хай буде що буде
It never crossed my mind (that)... - ніколи не приходило мені на думку
You have a point there - теж правильно, згоден з вами
Let's get to the point - блище до справи
So far so good - наразі все добре
Without further ado - без зайвого галасу
How come, (that) ...? - Як так сталось що ...
What have I got to do? - Що ще мені залишалось робити?
What's the use of? - навіщо?
What makes you think (that) ...? - Чому ти так вважаєш?
Coming along? - Йдеш зі мною?
Are you getting the picture? - Розуміш про що йдеться?
Can you be more specific? - Що ви маєте на увазі?
What is this all about? - У чому справа?
So what's the hitch? - У чому затик?
Can you manage it? - Ти справшся?
Take it easy! – Не хвилюйся!
Take it or leave it – на ваш розсуд
Tell that to the marines! – розкажи це комуст іншому

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