

Use and instead of but, stop using but!

Use I want instead of I should!

Every sentence should add value.


I'm sorry to trouble you, ...
Would you be so kind as to ...
Won't you please ...
Would you mind ...
Thank You.

Well, now, look. I thought otherwise, but I may be wrong. I frequently am. And if I am wrong, I want to be put right. Le's examine the facts.

This is my honor to be here.

How to Win Friends & Influence People notes

Handling people:

Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself.
Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a person's precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment.

I will speak ill of no man, and speak all the good I know of everybody.

Benjamin Franklin

Ways to make people like you:

There is only one way under high heaven to get anybody to do anything:
by making the other person want to do it.

The deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important.

John Dewey

Try leaving a friendly trail of little sparks of gratitude on your daily trips.
You will be surprised how they will set small flames of friendship that will be rose beacons on your next visit.

Try to figure out the other person's good points.
Then forget flattery. Give honest, sincere appreciation.

A smile says: I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.

Smile - it costs nothing, but creates much.

People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it.

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.


Very important people have told me that they prefer good listeners to good talkers,
but the ability to listen seems rarer than almost any other good trait.

Win people to your way of thinking:

The sun can make you take off your coat more quickly than the wind; and kindliness, the friendly approach and appreciation can make people change their minds more readily than all the bluster and storming in the world.

Be a leader:

Be sincere. Do not promise anything that you cannot deliver. Forget about the benefits to yourself and concentrate on the benefits to the other person.

Technical writing

To focus on:

How to read any room

read any room


If they ignore you, just quietly move on, don't need to send long messages, just take your dignity and go.
How you meet is irrelevant, stop romanticizing it, important - you meet your person, not how you meet them.
Don't assume is a handful of good qualities are good then everything else is great, don't have the full picture.
If not clear about the type of person you want to attract - wasting a lot of time with unsuitable people.
The right person doesn't put you in a position where you stand. Right people give clarity, not confusion.
Date people who share similar values. Mialign in values causes conflicts.
Have to be visible. Presentation is important.

The Achievement Habit by Bernard Roth
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Technical Writing, Google course

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